
My cat has cancer. Not sure what type. I will only know after his surgery (scheduled either this arvo or tomorrow morning) and after his tumour has been biopsied. Till then, I won’t be updating.

If you want to get hold of me, you can always email me. I’m broken. More than I have ever been in my entire life. And no, he’s not Just A Cat. He’s my cat and my companion for the past 3.5 years. He’s the one who sleeps with me (almost) every single night. So if my partner can concede that he reigns more than her in my heart, surely you can hold your tongue and not say “he’s just a cat.”

Till then.

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3 Comments on “Hiatus”

  1. goldcoaster Says:

    I don’t know you but you are right, a pet is not just a pet – they are your family and you love them dearly. I hope it works out well for you.
    I am sorry.


  2. Craig Says:

    Hope your kitty is ok. I’m agree with you 100%

    When Mark and I first started dating, he said “If I’m staying the cat goes”, my response while pointing was “the doors there, cya”.

    I’ve had pets all my life, and Mulder my eldest pet; black cat, has been around a lot longer than Mark has. If there’s ever a fire, I’ll be grabbing the pets first. Mark can fend for himself.

    Hope the new year brings health to your pet and happiness to you. 🙂

  3. ok..did i miss out anything?heh. what’s with the 13th july and i just feel that you kept something from me.lala~ ok whatever. laters. daa. Click https://twitter.com/moooker1

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